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LREC 2020 Tutorial

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Tutorial description

This will be a 3-hours long tutorial session using Python based, open source tools. The tutorial will be structured as follows:

Introduction (15 mins)

Familiarize participants with various IE tasks for tweets, e.g.:

  1. Sequence tagging : named entity detection and classification, part of speech tagging, chunking, and super-sense tagging.
  2. Text classification : sentiment prediction, sarcasm detection, and abusive content detection.

Applications of information extraction (15 mins)

This includes:

  1. Query-based search on text corpora.
  2. Visualizing temporal trends in information.

Responsible and compliant data use of social media data (15 mins)

  1. Overview on available annotated tweet datasets.
  2. Clarify on terms of service, regulations such as privacy policies, and norms for working with tweets.

Break (15 mins)

Hands on session (1 hr. 30 mins)

Conclusion (15 mins)

Resources to follow up and questions from participants.