Hypertext Tutorial
- Date: September 17, 2019
- Time: 9:30 am - 11:00 am and 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
- Venue: Hochschule Hof - Alfons-Goppel-Platz 1, 95028 Hof, Germany
- Slides: https://socialmediaie.github.io/tutorials/HT2019/Tutorial-Slides-HT-Hof-Germany-17_09_2019.pdf
- Contact: Shubhanshu Mishra at https://twitter.com/TheShubhanshu
Tutorial description
This will be a 3-hours long tutorial session using Python based, open source tools. The tutorial will be structured as follows:
Introduction (15 mins)
Familiarize participants with various IE tasks for tweets, e.g.:
- Sequence tagging : named entity detection and classification, part of speech tagging, chunking, and super-sense tagging.
- Text classification : sentiment prediction, sarcasm detection, and abusive content detection.
Applications of information extraction (15 mins)
This includes:
- Query-based search on text corpora.
- Visualizing temporal trends in information.
Responsible and compliant data use of tweets (15 mins)
- Overview on available annotated tweet datasets.
- Clarify on terms of service, regulations such as privacy policies, and norms for working with tweets.
Break (15 mins)
Hands on session (1 hr. 30 mins)
- Setup Google colaboratory and install required dependencies (takes 15 mins) -https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1YHMyGsnzUjTQ2GcRomGY5SD5eVPA1siR
- Collecting and sharing samples of tweet data, with focus on following Twitter's terms of service and additional community norms. - Covered in slides.
- Efficiently annotating classification data using active human-in-the-loop learning. - Covered in slides.
- Using TwitterNER for feature based high accuracy named entity recognition for Tweets
- Using Multi-task learning for sequence tagging - https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1YHMyGsnzUjTQ2GcRomGY5SD5eVPA1siR
- Using Multi-task learning for text classification - https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1YHMyGsnzUjTQ2GcRomGY5SD5eVPA1siR
- Visualize extracted information and tweets using temporal network visualizations. Covered in slides. See: https://shubhanshu.com/social-comm-temporal-graph/
Additional notebooks
NOTE: because colab doesn’t share VMs these notebooks don’t work. You need to copy the code into the install library notebook
- MTL - https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1YhFsbVeSuXHHhtgKn5GFczj1FOTE44lT
- MTL classification - https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1pkE-GCKecWnzl5VygaZUCmneyNQuf2wr
- TwitterNER - https://colab.research.google.com/drive/13u3Ox6UX0C4eeySPy61ciVcEVf7a86qU
Conclusion (15 mins)
Resources to follow up and questions from participants.
- Project page: https://socialmediaie.github.io/
- TwitterNER: https://github.com/napsternxg/TwitterNER
- Social Communication Temporal Graph: https://shubhanshu.com/social-comm-temporal-graph/
- SocialMediaIE for multi-task learning: https://github.com/socialmediaie/SocialMediaIE